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Barnstable Youth Soccer Association

Barnstable Youth Soccer Association

Volunteer Opportunities


The Barnstable Youth Soccer Association is a 100% volunteer driven organization. Each year, it takes a huge amount of volunteer participation, both on the field and off, to successfully field our Instructional and Travel programs. Without the help of those generous enough to give of their time, we couldn't possibly continue to offer all the programs you've come to expect from us. That's why it's a major goal of ours each and every year to develop a strong volunteer network of parents just like you - parents who are willing to help us field the best programs possible for our kids!


There are many different ways for you to pitch in and give us a hand! Such opportunities include:

  • Register to be a Head Coach of your child's team! - Head Coaches are eligible for a 50% discount off their child's registration fee -Please follow the links in the registration forms to indicate you are interested!
  • Setting up and breaking down the Instructional fields prior to Saturday morning games
  • Setting up, observing and breaking down the Travel fields during home games
  • Re-lining the soccer fields each week
  • Installing nets on the soccer goals at the start of the season, removing them at year's end and preparing the goals to be stored for the winter
  • Getting the word out by spending a couple hours manning a table, handing out flyers and engaging people on behalf of the Club

And in most cases, volunteering for just one of these activities is enough to fulfill the volunteer bond requirements for parents with players in the Travel program.

If you'd like more information on volunteering for the BYSA, please email us today!


Barnstable Youth Soccer Association
PO Box 260 
Centerville, Massachusetts 02632

Email: [email protected]

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